Small boat blog

I neither endorse, nor condemn small boat sailing. It’s a personality thing. It either works for you, or it doesn’t. However, being a small boat guy myself, I will admit to a secret pleasure I have reading about small boat voyagers. Ah, but I will be out there eventually!

Today’s newest blog of interest is about a young couple cruising on an Albin Vega sailboat (27′). I’ve only read a portion of their blog so far; but I’m enjoying it. Check out They have a nice series of videos I’ve sampled as well ( Go ahead, you know you want to…

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Joshua Slocum

Been busy at work. Real busy. With all the beautiful weather we’ve been having, it seems that most of my days off are gray. Or I’ve worked overnight and need to sleep half the day away. The boat sits neglected, my housekeeping declines, and it is easy to enter a funk. But the Big Adventure plan still gnaws at me. In the meantime, I did find a very good documentary on Joshua Slocum on Youtube. If you’re the kind of person who knows who he is, it is worth a look.

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Hold Fast

I think often of the day when I can leave the mundane world behind for awhile and sail off for some adventure. That day is two or three years away, still, as I close out the issues of my former married life and square away my decimated finances. I have plans, you see, and a minimum set financial and boat requirements I’m trying to meet before saying “fuck you” to the corporate hell I find myself in. But, sometimes, I start to think that maybe those minimum requirements are far, far too stringent and I should just say “screw it” and take off with what I have and to hell with the rest.

The temptation is even stronger when I find a little gem on the web like Hold Fast. In this hour plus long amateur video, four young adults, with not much to their name, marginally fix up a derelict sailboat and take it on an adventure in the Bahamas. Free spirits, all, I have watched this video a couple times with a sense of longing. They are unprepared, in an ugly, ill equipped boat, just living the life. And I’m envious.

Of course, there is nothing stopping me from following suit except for a big pile of debt and an unfortunate realization that it is better to have some money in the bank, and a reluctance to give up the very reasonable income I am pulling in at the moment. Certainly, as modest as my boat is (and it is quite modest, believe me), it is better equipped, in better condition, and not (quite) as ugly as theirs. I miss that carefree attitude of youth.

My time will come. Not as soon as it could if I could just shake my innate sense of responsibility. But, it will come.

In the meantime check out the video at If you are like me, you won’t be disappointed.

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